Oh, Oh, Oh Ogre!!!

•March 26, 2023 • Leave a Comment

Having achieved victory in the battle, and seeing the overwhelming and absurd number of evil creatures assembling to continue the war, the group wisely decided to head in a rapid fashion back to The Keep.

As the battle had left the group widely dispersed and unorganized, word was passed to rally at the road outside of the ravine.

Jac, having picked up Galton from the woods, flew Stinky away… the pair providing cover for the remaining goblins and kobolds as they fled through the forest.

Landing at the rally point, the leaders of the various groups gathered for a meeting. 

Vahtak the Terrible and Galton realizing, for one reason or another, that they were in charge, found each other and began to discuss the next steps.

The kobold chieftain found Vahtak to join the meeting of commanders. The goblin chief did the same siding up to Galton. It became apparent that keeping some space between these groups would be wise.

As is common in moments where the future is unimagined and not part of a plan, the group fielded many ideas. South, past the swamp to the plains or beyond?, East to the unknown kingdoms and lands there?, North into the mountains and the Toren Wild to continue to fight whatever the gods put in the way?, West back to The Keep at least to recover from this last pitched battle?

The Kobold chief was entertaining other ideas being barked and hissed from his tribe. The goblin leader was excited to be welcomed at The Keep as he seemed to believe Galton could deliver for his band. 

The flying kobolds that still survived, had been keeping watch; taking turns flying short sorties above the rally point. A warning barked from them spurred the gathering into choosing an action.


The gathering of unlikely allies fled down the road toward The Keep. 

Something big. Something giant was crashing through the woods from the Caves of Chaos. Everyone’s thoughts immediately went to the Ogre. The goblins had often bribed the Ogre and knew it was likely that their foes had done the same. 

Everyone raced down the road. A glance back revealed their suspicions to be true. The Ogre crashed out of the woods and stopped momentarily at what had been the rally point. Seeing the mob down the road, he raised his arms and started running after them. He was quite fast for a big guy and his strides created a booming beat that echoed between the hills. 

The group leadership, after the initial silence of the run, began to debate options. They were not having luck losing their pursuer. They found a nice bend in the road that offered them some high ground looking back from whence they came and stopped to take action. 

The Ogre charged on.

But what action? The debate continued. Aryaea took up a position on the hill where she could shoot the Ogre if necessary as it approached. Some of the kobolds did the same along with Vahtak. They hadn’t decided to fight, but high ground seemed wise.

The Ogre charged on

Galton and many of his goblins stopped a bit farther down the road around the bend and were vocal about the bribability of the Ogre. The Ogre, Smuk, seemed likely to take payment to stop and maybe even take the fight back to the Caves.

The Ogre charged on.

The tribe’s treasure chest was brought to the high ground where it would be visible to the Ogre. Vahtek facilitated opening and revealing the chest’s contents.

The Ogre reached the group. He paused his menacing pursuit and, when Galton shouted about money, the Ogre stopped in thought as he stood in the middle of the road.

Aryaea snuck closer in case a shot was needed.

Galton, seeing the elf get into position, assumed that she was going to shoot. Knowing this would probably keep the Ogre from working with the group, Galton’s frustration came out as he offered the bribe to the Ogre.

The Ogre paused and silence took over the field as everyone’s breath hung on the conversation between the soldier and the monster. The Ogre seemed to acquiesce to Galton’s request. 

The Ogre and Galton discussed payment and terms. The Ogre nodded agreement and hurled a small boulder at the elf whose arrow was pointed his way. The boulder struck true rendering the elf motionless.

Seemingly simultaneously, the ground behind the Ogre broke open. A huge, gray creature with what looked to be a large dorsal fin emerged and lept from the ground striking the Ogre from behind. 

The two became locked in a wrestling match of titans. Galton and the dragonborne both joined the fray trying to kill what must have been a Bullette.

The dragonborne noticed the elf was lying lifeless and found himself in a position to grab Aryaea and get her to safety and help. Believing this would endear him to the group, he put her on his shoulder and began running towards the keep.

Galton was caught in the thrill of the hunt. A Bullette! With the damage surely being caused by the Ogre along with his trusty spear, they could certainly fell this beast.

The Ogre and Bullette grappled, neither gaining an upper hand and Galton stabbed. Imagining a bardic tale of his killing blow struck while atop the deadly denizen, Galton tried to climb onto the raging Bullette. A gallant effort but for naught as he couldn’t hold on to the wrestling, bucking bullette. 

Meanwhile the Ogre was taking the brunt of the massive damage dealt by the Bullette. When the two separated, the Ogre took off back to the woods. He had been given what now seemed like far too small a sum to go get a week group of adventures. The quarry he caught turned out to be two tribes with a band of adventures that had an out of control Bullette. He decided to let the fearless soldier continue to try and get his pet Bullette under control. The Ogre had had enough and would get his payment for his boulder toss later.

At least that was what he thought as he broke away and headed home. Looking back, he could see that the Bullette was following. He could only assume that the group had suckered him in with all that confusing talk about paying him to kill one of their own so they could sic their pet on him.

Chaos in the skies

•March 1, 2022 • Leave a Comment

Griffon 2 2/27/22

To watch this episode: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1410289843?tt_medium=mobile_web_share&tt_content=vod

Looking in horror as Flynn’s body, both parts, hit the ground, Gordon and Galton saw Jac holding on for dear life as the Griffon that he clung to flew off towards the other side of the hill.

Gordon thought about the prize he carried and his companion’s flight plight. Galton seemed interested in what would happen to Jac as well. So, they went quickly-but-carefully-and-stealthfully up the ridge in an attempt to keep Jac in sight.

Meanwhile, Jac could see the other two Griffons reacting to the Griffon upon which he rode… and it wasn’t a happy family reunion. From what he could deduce, The two Griffons that weren’t under his spell were chasing his yet-to-be-named, charmed griffon away for some unknown reason. Jac decided to just hold on and hope for the best.

As Gordon and Galton reached the extended view offered by the ridgeline, yet far enough down from the rocky top that served as the griffons’ home as to be harder to spot, they saw one griffon returning to the cave. It flew close enough to hear the wingbeats but never gave the pair a glance as it went straight to its nest.

They also saw the largest of the griffons soar up high above the rock after turning from Jac’s griffon. From that height it descended in a close, circular pattern to rest on the rocky hilltop. Seeing Jac fly off farther, they began to creep down the hill with the hope of discovering Jac’s fate.

Meanwhile, Meanwhile Ayreae had continued into the wood determined to put the unpleasantness behind her. Yet, something nagged at her mind. After a brief bit of pondering, she decided to go back to the group. 

As she made her way back, she noticed a griffon flying out of the cave and the perched griffon again taking flight. She decide to be stealthy and hid in the clearing hoping to appear like a rock or bush. As the griffons moved in her direction, she threw stealth out the window and ran for the shelter of the trees as she contoured around the hill in an attempt to reenlist with the party or at least to follow them.

She held close to the cover afforded by the rocky cliffside whenever possible. Making good progress, she quickly discovered the body of Flynn both parts of whom were laying closely after falling from the sky. Hoping for signs of life, Ayreae check each part, head and torso, for the pulse of a beating heart. She found none. 

What she did find, however, were tracks. Galton’s tracks led down and up the slope near here. Deducting that Galton had come this way and returned, she decided to follow the tracks. 

Meanwhile, Meanwhile, Meanwhile… Galton and Gordon had descended the far side of the hill with extreme care, caution, and stealth pausing when dictated by griffon flight. Gordon was cradling his satchel as if it contained his own child who was as fragile as an egg. This led to him finding the safest ways down the ledgy slope and occasionally had him scooching down short cliff-like sections to protect his satchel and remain quiet.

When the two griffons back toward the hilltop suddenly seemed to go off with a purpose back toward where Flynn had died, the pair of adventures made haste towards some rocks where Jac and his mount had last been seen.

Looking back to keep an eye on the griffons, Gordon noticed a cloud of dust coming from down the hill toward the small valley. He could see a group of horses. A draft horse with a very large rider upon its back could be seen. It had to be Siris. Wanting to get his attention, Gordon shot an arrow hoping that the favorable wind and his extreme skill could land an arrow in view of the horsemen. He aimed high; checked the wind and released. Whether he was successful or not, he couldn’t see…

Siris having joined a search/hunting party from The Keep formed after Rufus’ message worked its way up the chain of command, was looked to as a leader due to his adventuring prowess. Seeing the griffons in the sky, Siris made no hesitation and urged his mount to what the dragonborn hoped would be a rousing fight.

 Gordon, seeing the horses turn away, assumed his arrow had failed. He continued Jac-ward with Galton.

Ayreae had worked partway up a steep slope when the griffons locked their sight upon her. Noticing as much, she loosed an arrow. Not to kill but also not to miss. She aimed for a not-too-vital part of the griffon and her arrow struck true into the beast’s left leg. The elf hoped this would deliver the message that she didn’t want to tangle with them but she was not to be preyed upon. 

Keeping an eye on the griffons, she left the slope for the cover of the trees near Flynn’s body. She was there when 5 horses galloped past and were reigned in by their riders upon seeing Flynn’s body torn asunder and lying on the ground in two places. She yelled out, “WE GOT GRIFFON’S STAY AWAY FROM HORSES!!”

Meanwhile, Meanwhile, Meanwhile, Meanwhile… Jac, once again calming the jittery griffon he had ridden, noticed the reason for the young animal’s unrest… Galton and Gordon were holding off a ways in hopes of not being griffon food… or maybe to help keep the young griffon in its not-too-angry state.

Oye, Jac… Kin we come closer? Tell it we is friendly…,” says Gordon as he crouches non-threateningly attempting to not be seen by the hillside.

Midnight Run

•November 30, 2021 • Leave a Comment

(spoiler alert: If you want to watch the actual game play first, here’s the VOD … https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1199174106 )

The group remained in The Keep healing from their encounter … perhaps doing some soul searching at their choices that lead them to the adventurer’s life.

During this time, in the middle of the night, a soldier spotted something at the fringe of the woods. The soldier, fresh from training and on his first watch ever, wasn’t sure what he saw. However, he was insistent that he saw something.

Corporal Furfural, the grumpy soldier the group knows all too well from the gate, sought out the group for a small mission. The Corporal wants more information on the soldier’s sighting so he can better present the situation to the castellan.

To this end, he asked for a stealthy group to check out what the young soldier thinks he saw. Aryaea and Sirus took up the call to action. They interviewed the soldier and procured 5 men-at-arms to join them on a midnight fact-finding run into the woods.

Leaving from the gate, the stealthy group decided to descend the cliff rather than taking the main road. The thought was a good one. Who would be watching the cliffs that provide The Keep such a stanch, defensible position? 

Scouting, Aryaea located a route suitable for their descent. As she looked over the recruits given to the mission, she decides that roping them all together will be the best course of action to keep everyone safe.

This, a good method for safety on glaciers, turned out to be less than ideal for this situation. One person slipped and the next climber failed to be able to arrest the other’s fall and began to fall himself. The third in line then failed to halt the other two climbers’ fall likely due to their combined weight and momentum. By the time the whole group was gathering speed free falling down the cliff’s face, even Sirus’ dragon strength was no match. He did manage to slow the group before he too was pulled from the cliff face.

At the bottom, it became clear that there were many injuries. One man-at-arms was barely clining to life. Another was in no shape to go on. Ayraea left the healthier of the two to watch the other and the mission continued.

They darted stealthily through the open space between the base of the cliff and the forest using bushes and rocks to help hide their advancement.

Once in the forest, they came upon a charging bear and her cubs. It quickly became apparent that the bear was charging elsewhere. This did not deter Sirus who had made up his mind that a bear pelt was exactly what he needed and he dashed to intercept.

As Aryaea moved she noticed a pair of goblins that were the focus of the bear’s attention. The soldier had been correct. There were goblins in the woods!

The chaos of battle ensued (check out the VOD 😉 ) … when the dust had settled Sirus was standing over a large, dead bear ready to skin it with his dagger. The goblins had fled to the northwest. The bear cubs had been scared off to the northeast. A small fire, started from a oil-soaked fire arrow, was growing a bit bigger. And three young soldiers stood with their torches burning having been chastised for shooting crossbow bolts at bear cubs.

What will our heroes do? (I will address what was happening at the cliffside with the other two soldiers later 😉 )

It’s All Happening at The Keep

•August 16, 2021 • 1 Comment

It was a nice morning. The sounds of the inn waking were readily heard inside the common room that Gordon had secured back when first arriving at The Keep. A couple of people, likely Edwin and his son, Farr, could be heard in the tavern’s kitchen. From the sounds and smells, breakfast was being tended to.

Soft footfalls passed the room. Probably Tara, Edwin’s wife, doing inn business.

During breakfast, Edwin proudly boasted of his newly carved sign for the tavern. “The Salty Gargoyle! That’s what we’re gonna call the tavern. Though, Tara thinks we should go with ‘The Dancing Gargoyle.’ We’ll see. Either way, this sign’ll work,” said Edwin.

The rectangular sign has a nicely-carved gargoyle that looks like it’s dancing. “I dunno. It’s supposed to look friendly but menacing. Ya’ know. Salty. But, well, ya’ gotta go with what’s in the wood,” he said.

A brief conversation reveals that Edwin liked the new direction that tavern seemed to be taking with the group’s influence. Except that he wished that there could be less fighting as The Keep was pretty insistent on things remaining orderly. 

Gordon asked the plump taverner to keep an eye open for anyone that could help the group sneak into the Caves of Chaos undetected which started a conversation about the priest the group believes they killed at those same caves. Godon made clear what kind of a person that priest was. When the conversation lulled, Edwin left the tavern with his sign to hang it over the door.

 Aryaea, ever-watching for something of interest to happen in The Keep, noticed a newcomer filling a waterskin from the fountain’s outflow pipe. When Edwin was hanging his new sign he noticed the stranger. Gordon thought a bit of help for the Cave’s of Chaos would be a good idea and asked Edwin to inquire about the man in the travelling cloak.

Edwin calls out, “Hey you! You up for some business? People’re inquiring about you and you look like the adventurous sort.” The stranger looks a bit uncomfortable in The Keep’s square and he declines the offer, mentioning that nature held his breakfast outside the walls. Taking his now-full water skin, he heads back towards the main gate. 

At the gate, the stranger, Felegund, deals with Guido’s ever-present record keeping while Craig, the Captain of the Guard, lounges on his chair. 

Finishing up breakfast, Gordon tells the party about his plans to establish a line of credit at the bank for the party using the broach he found in the priest’s apartment. 

Thinking the stranger held promise for being helpful to the group, Gordon and Ayrea head to the gate to see if they could wrangle another group member. 

Before exiting The Keep, Craig stopped them and let them know that The Castellan wished the party to dine with him at the soonest evening possible. Likely to discuss the goings on at the Caves of Chaos.

Outside the keep a man escorting a pair of mules and a wagon was submitting to an inspection. Noting that he had a nice ass, Gordon and Ayrea continued past at which point a man named Burach stopped them.

This man asked questions regarding the turncoat priest and the ransacked apartment. He seemed satisfied with the answers given him and he left Gordon and Ayrea alone to continue on their way… which led them to a spot overlooking a small group of trees where the stranger, Felegund, sat in the shade eating.
Meanwhile, back in The Keep: Burach has come upon Sirus, Nevaria, and Jacarand (not as a group) and asks them what they know about the priest’s apartment and what happened between the group and the priest’s entourage while at the Caves of Chaos. (***Please send me a message about how you respond to him (or with questions for me or him to help you respond). It can be in character or not… I may ask you for a roll… please don’t roll, though, unless I ask.***)

Ayraea, while at the overlook, notices 3 people with bows shooting at some hay bale targets. They’ve set the targets beside the road as it climbs to The Keep.

Lazing at the Keep – Part 2

•July 15, 2021 • Leave a Comment

Having averted trouble with the guards, the budding burglars set up for their priest apartment raid. Nevaria, “Nev” for short, positioned herself to observe up Castle Way towards whence they came. She’s cognizant of the fact that one in the group of turncoat priests escaped into the Caves of Chaos and may still be a threat.

Jacarand, “you can call me ‘Jac’,” posted up beside the two-storey apartment building granting him a view of Nev, the north side of the Guild House, and down towards the chapel. 

Gordon leads Ayreae and Sirus towards the goal. A simple apartment door at the widened end of the 15-foot-wide alleyway. Ayreae and Sirus pause and get ready for any action as Gordon steps up to the door and tries to open it. It’s locked.

Gordon reaches into his pocket and, with practiced ease, pulls out the appropriate pick and makes quick work of the lock. And almost the exact moment that the tumblers fall into place and the door unlatches, the door to the adjacent apartment opens and a well-dressed man is exiting. It’s likely the jeweler that operates out of the apartment adjacent to the party’s target.

At the same time, Nevaria hears footsteps echoing off the walls of someone approaching. Unsure of who it is, she does her best to imitate a local bird and says, “Cacaw,” to get the attention of her group. 

Sirius turns to Nev and sees her gesturing with her hands. At first it doesn’t make sense and strikes the dragonborne as comic. But, then he realizes that she’s warning that someone is coming. Sensing some sort of conflict, he reflexively feels for his necklace and finds it missing. His eyes dart around and he starts to furiously look in the alley for his prized accessory made of combat trophies. Whisper yelling with conviction, he says, “Guys! My necklace of treasures!” and he drops to his knees in search of his prized possession. “Guys. I need my necklace,” he says as he struggles to maintain his quiet.

Gordon, noticing the jeweler’s interruption, says to Sirus, “Aye, this won’t take long… we’ll be with ya Sirus in a moment,” notices a sad-faced Sirus giving the thumb’s up signal as Gordon continues to enter the building as if it’s the most natural thing in the world for him to be doing so.

Ayreae looks away from the teary-eyed dragonborne, focuses on the jeweler and summons her magic to _Command_ the jeweler to, “Sleep!”

The jeweler blinks as if taking in the scene unfolding before him. He turns and goes back into his home, leaving the door open.

Ayreae follows Gordon into the large, 20 x 25 ft, well-appointed apartment. To the back, Gordon sees steep, almost-ladder-like, stairs and immediately heads to the second floor.

Ayreae heads past the comfy entertaining area to listen at the wall shared with the jeweler’s shop in hopes of gaining information on the goings on there. Unable to ascertain anything useful, she takes to looting and finds something in the chair. She calls out to, “Sirus get over here, I found your necklace,” and she pulls the morbid chain of monster parts out of her bag.

Meanwhile, Nevaria starts towards the sound of the oncoming footsteps and sees a familiar person rounding the corner and headed her way. It’s the young helper from the Traveller’s Inn walking purposely down Castle Way. Seeking to keep him from noticing the group’s not-necessarily-legal activities she engages him and asks if he can lead her back to the tavern.

The teen is enamored by the female tiefling giving him attention and trusting in him. He blushes and, seeming lost for words, he quickly regains his composure. “Oh! You’ve gotten yourself turned around. I’m happy to help you,” he says, bursting the words out in excitement. He turns and says, “This way. Walk with me,” which Nevaria does.

Gordon, at the top of the passage between the two floors, sees that windows look out directly at The Keep’s inner gate. His mind races with scenarios involving the priest’s assumed nefarious intentions. He quickly closes the curtains and looks about the room. Needing something to poke around with, he pulls out a dagger and secures the trinket he stole from the trader still unsure what it is except that it doesn’t seem to be a dagger.

He sets about opening drawers, poking holes in the bedding, and squeezing the pillows. In the drawers he finds a false-bottom within which is an obviously-valuable, jeweled clasp. After an exhaustive search he grabs the fancy pillow and starts to assess its value versus it’s ease of exchange and feels a large lump inside it that shouldn’t be there. He tears it open with his dagger and finds a large, deep-red, gem.

He feels that time is starting to wane for an easy in/out robbery and satisfied that he’s found everything wants to take upstairs he is surprised to hear a raucous breaking out downstairs.

When Sirus heard that his prized necklace had been located, he stood and raced into the apartment, tripping on the entryway but quickly regaining his balance. Ayreae starts making up a story to cover the fact that she had taking the dragonborne’s treasure. 

Not buying any of Ayreae’s stories, Sirus struggles to keep from doing all the harmful things to the elf that he’s imagining. “I know you hated my necklace. I know you took it,” he shouts.

Not being in the best place to have this argument, Ayreae tries to diffuse it. “Calm down…it’s me…besides if I ‘really’ hated it I would’ve thrown it away. It was a practical joke.”

Sirus threatens to use the necklace’s orc lips to repeatedly kiss her… and says, “If you come near my necklace again i shall floss your teeth with your bow!” 

Ayrea retorts, “If you so touch my with those filthy hands I will slap you with those ‘lips’. Hmph…” Pulling out her short sword she says, “You wanna go, tough guy?!”

Sirus Grugbane holds his butt up to Aryaea’s leg and lets off a massive fart.

Gordon, coming down the steep steps and says, “Oye, not here… not now!”

The dragonborne sticks his middle finger through the orc lips and points it at Ayraea. Sirus yells, “I’ll add your lips to my collection next!” and puts his necklace back around his neck and under his shirt.

To complete his intimidation, Sirus Grugbane shows his big, dragonborne butt to Ayreae and slaps it. Then, noticing that Gordon has returned to the first floor, he says, “You keep this tall, skinny, elf-turd-burglar away from me.

Meanwhile, Jacarand continues to watch Castle Way for trouble. And trouble might be coming. He sees a couple of adults walking his way in non-military clothes. They left the chapel and seem a bit lost in conversation. Hoping to avoid an uncomfortable conversation, Jac moves away in the shadow of the jewelry shop. The couple walks by but after they pass, the lady glances his way and seems to recognize him. Yet, they continued on.

Gordon makes quick work of the downstairs looking for more valuables and incriminating evidence of evil doing and the group leaves the apartment only to see the open door to the jewelry shop. All three, now deep in the passion of the moment, think of all the loot in the store just waiting there and the open door seems like an invitation for them to take it.

Deciding not to simply rush in, they listen and hear bits and pieces of what seems like an argument. Apparently, there are a few voices discussing how, when and if they should try to escape and get the plentiful guards.

The half-elf, Jacarand, hears a bit more of the conversation and peers through a window into the apartment. He can see a woman looking from the second floor through the passage in the ceiling. There seems to be at least 4 people in the apartment all hiding behind counters and furniture while discussing a plan of action. It doesn’t seem that they plans mean anything good for our band of heroes. 

Gordon suggests that perhaps they’ve pushed the safety envelope a bit and perhaps moving on would be prudent. The three agree, close the door, and make for the inn.

Jacarand starts to gesture and speak toward the woman that can see him peripherally. He releases magic at her to charm her into believing that the group are friends. 

Listening, it appears that Jac’s spell worked as the woman starts to speak in the group’s defense saying that the old neighbors likely deserved anything that was going on and they the jewelers should simply make sure their shop stayed secure for other folk. But, certainly Jac and his group, which she called simply, “they,” weren’t any trouble.

… and with that our heroes all had a common place to go… The Traveller’s Inn.

Just a day lazing around the Keep

•July 12, 2021 • Leave a Comment

(this is an embellishment of our D&D game that I run Sundays on my twitch channel (twitch.tv/eat2surf))

The group woke up in the common sleeping room in Traveller’s Inn after the previous evenings celebrations got a bit out of hand. A drinking contest had been held between the newcomer dwarf and Sirus… Sirius lost and hurled chunks on a bystander who happened to be an off-duty guard. He proceeded to chase him to apologize becoming angry that he wouldn’t accept a drunken apology. Meanwhile, Aryaea was grabbed as she excited the stage area and turned to confront the bar patron. A quick exchange left the patron injured and very afraid. A bit of panic spread through the crowd causing those in the bar to head for the exit. Over the din of the scene, the bartender closed the tavern asking everyone to leave… which they did… some attempts at apologies happened with Sirus being a bit of a sloppy drunk.

In the night, Aryaea took Sirus’s necklace of body parts.

Upon waking, the group discussed plans for the day. The planning continued in the tavern as they were served porridge and some pork-smelling meat. A decision was reached to explore the common area of the keep and get a bit more rest before returning to the Cave’s of Chaos. 

Sirus, Gordon, Nevaria and Jacarond a dubyana were to go see about Sirus’s potentially-magic shield and then explore with Gordon as a guide. Aryaea, seeking a place to practice archery, decided to go off on her own.

Aryaea went the the gatehouse of the upper keep where she met Hubert, the guard on duty. She felt that the lazy, apathetic guard didn’t pay her proper respect. He did tell her that an archery range existed on the inner bailey but she could simply go outside and practice. In an attempt to be helpful, he shared a story of his youth and throwing stones. Aryaea was non-plussed and headed to the front gate to file a complaint regarding the uncouth nature of her interaction with said guard.

At the front gate, Craig, the Corporal of the Watch, took Aryaea’s complaint. Already a grouchy man, the elf’s issue did nothing to brighten his day. He dutifully had the scribe, Guido, put the complaint in writing and then listened absently until the angry elf had finished her rant. After she left, Craig called into the near tower for a couple of guards to talk to Hubert.

The rest of the group (gang?) had stopped at the trader’s shop. Sirus was informed that his shield, taken from the turncoat priest, was indeed imbued with magic. This appeared to make the dragonborn musician happy and he said how he had suspected as much.

Nevaria did a bit of shopping despite not really feeling a need for anything. Seeing the wide variety of items that the trader had accumulated she had an inspiration. She bargained for a small container of old, pink, paint. Ray, the trader, even through in a crusty, old, paint brush.

Gordon, seeing that Ray was busy assisting the others in his suddenly-full shop, grabbed the first pocketable item that caught his eye and that he could easily conceal. It doesn’t look like anything he’s ever seen. But, it’s small, shiny, and looks valuable. When he turns it over in his hands he wonders if Ray knew anything about it or if he was just selling it.

With time on their hands, Gordon started to hatch a plan to go inspect the home of the “priest” that almost killed the party the day before in the Caves of Chaos. Gordon felt a bit responsible having told the group of the man’s desire to help in their cave adventures. Finding out after the party left with this “priest” and his assistants that many suspected the man of having ill intent, Gordon had chased after and arrived in time to assist his contracted friends.

Now, he could think of little else than to have a look inside the foul “priest’s” apartment. The group, now missing only the newly-joined and current-drinking-champion dwarf, Meldain Hooves, went to the fountain in the plaza to make a quick plan.

Nevaria and Jacarand would post up as lookouts, Sirus would be the muscle in the middle, Ayreae would be right behind Gordon who would gain entry to the apartment.

The gang left the fountain and headed for the “priest’s” apartment. About this same time, Craig was finishing up giving orders to a pair of guards.The guards had debriefed Craig with Hubert’s recollection of his encounter with Ayreae and now Craig wanted a bit more information. Craig sent the guards to the tavern to gather some more facts.

This pair of guards passed our group of adventurers as they were busy “walking casual” towards the chapel. Annoyed with being forced into extra duty, the guards continued on their way, in no hurry but wanting their task to be over.

New Documents

•October 28, 2009 • Leave a Comment

I discovered a document with my Father In-Law’s name on it.. it indicates that he was born in Kenya… my goodness!!

Here it is…

Father in Law from Kenya??

From Kenya?

Imagine my shock…

So I went in for a closer look


It took me just a few minutes.. and nobody on the planet will really ever see these.. but what if someone wanted to do something like this and spent some actual time and effort on it?? maybe even someone with skills…

photo parking

•January 11, 2009 • Leave a Comment

a blank NWN2 area

a blank NWN2 area

a blank NWN2 area

Hello world!

•January 27, 2008 • 1 Comment

Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!